這位美國的個案在與我聯繫時說已經研究SRT一兩年了,卻遲遲沒有進行,因為他非常理性的頭腦一直在懷疑靈性療癒的效果。然而在經歷生命中的一些困惑與茫然之後,決定放膽一試。我承認當我與這位個案Skype時,我充滿恐懼,好怕SRT對他會沒有效喔。於是呢,我讓自己平靜下來,放下小我,並將一切交託出去,讓自己成為管道。完成SRT的隔幾天他寄給我這份心得,並跟我分享清理後的效果,說實在,我是心花怒放啊(是的,我是平凡人,受到肯定當然還是會很開心滴) 。因為這位個案英文太好了,我盡力地翻譯出來,如有不精確,請多原諒囉..... Hi Clair,
在SRT療癒後的那晚,我做了冥想,並感覺到我的心或腦,不管到底是啥,變輕盈了,就好像腦海中對抗的念頭真的被一掃而空,因此也沒有隨機浮現的念頭困擾我。 此外,那晚我睡得很深很好,隔天醒來我才發現以前都無法睡得那麼好,因為每幾個小時就會醒來。 這些明顯的改變和身體上的效果並不是我有意識的行動所造成的,而唯一能解釋這一切的就是你的清理過程成功了! 其他的改變或許比較細微而且我的自我意識能夠解釋的是我需要與我的高我溝通和共同創造。 總而言之,這是很好的療癒法,能夠清理心智上的阻礙,就好像牙醫利用工具在口腔內工作一樣。 我猜我會考慮SRT或其他療法作為定期的清理方式,就像我定期去找牙醫檢查牙齒一樣。這些療癒工具不必每次都那麼神奇,但是它們對維持正面心智而言確實是必需而有效的工具! -----原文----- Hi Clair, the night after SRT I was meditating and felt that my heart or brain, whatever is was, became lighter as if confronting thoughts had been really wiped out, and thus I wouldn't be aware of thoughts surfacing randomly. In addition, I slept very deeply that night, so deep that I realized the next morning I haven't been sleeping all night without interruption every few hours. These are measurable and physical effects that I cannot attribute to my own conscious acts, and thus the viable explanation is your cleansing process worked. Other changes may be more subtle and can be explained by my self-awareness that I need to communicate and co-create with my higher self. The bottom line is, it's nice that energy therapists can help reach and clear up mental burdens just like dentists may use their tools to work inside the mouth. I guess I will consider SRT or other therapy as comparable to a routine dental checkup. It doesn't necessarily work wonders every time, nor should it, but it's essential and effective in helping maintaining a positive mindset. :) Clair Chiu 量子催眠療癒一階 OMNI催眠療癒師 美國催眠師協會認證催眠師(NGH) 美國催眠教育與認證中心認證催眠療癒師 (NBHEC) OMNI催眠培訓中心認證催眠療癒師 超越極限療法執行師 SRT靈性反應療法執行師/ SpR靈性再重組療法執行師 印度合一大學培訓師 般尼克能量療癒療癒師 擴大療癒法一階導師 Line: 0905817944 Email: [email protected] 評論已關閉。
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